Air Arabia Customer Care Number, Email Id, Office Address

Air Arabia Customer Care Number is 02271004777, its email ID is, and the head office address is Sharjah International Airport Sharjah, U.A.E.. Read more about the company overview, social profiles & website link details.

You can find out the official support details of Air Arabia. Besides contact details, the page also offers a details overview of Air Arabia. Reach Air Arabia’s Customer Service below for queries, complaints, or feedback.

Air Arabia Customer Care

Air Arabia Customer Care

Phone Number: 02271004777 or 01123737474

Email Id:

Office Address: Sharjah International Airport Sharjah, U.A.E.


About Air Arabia

Air Arabia is a pioneering low-cost airline based in the United Arab Emirates, recognized for its affordable fares and efficient service. Since its inception in 2003, Air Arabia has revolutionized travel in the Middle East and beyond, offering a wide range of destinations across the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, and Europe. With a modern fleet and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Air Arabia has become a popular choice for budget-conscious travelers seeking quality air travel experiences. Whether it’s for business or leisure, Air Arabia provides a convenient and cost-effective option for exploring an array of destinations while ensuring a comfortable journey for its passengers.

ReadAir Astana and Air Canada.

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