Giva Jwellery Contact Number, Email Id, Office Address

Giva Jwellery Contact Number is 7829558887, its email id is, and the head office address is Indiejewel Fashions Private Limited Third Floor, Magnum Vista, Raghuvanahalli, Bangalore 560062. Read more about the company overview, social profiles & website link details.

You can find out the official support details of Giva Jwellery. Besides contact details, the page also offers a details overview of the Giva Jwellery. Reach Giva Jwellery’s Customer Support below for queries, complaints, or feedback.

Giva Jwellery

Giva Jwellery Contact Details

Phone Number: 7829558887

Email Id:

Office Address: Indiejewel Fashions Private Limited Third Floor, Magnum Vista, Raghuvanahalli, Bangalore 560062.


Telephone Number: Not Available

Fax Number: Not Available

Facebook: Here

Twitter: Here

Instagram: Here

About Giva Jwellery

Giva Jewelry is a well-established jewelry company known for its exquisite and timeless designs. Founded in [year], Giva Jewelry has quickly gained a reputation for crafting high-quality, handcrafted pieces that cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences. The company is committed to creating jewelry that not only serves as stunning adornments but also holds sentimental value, making them perfect for marking special occasions like engagements, weddings, anniversaries, and more.

One of the defining features of Giva Jewelry is its dedication to using only the finest materials in its creations. Whether it’s diamonds, gemstones, precious metals, or other components, Giva Jewelry takes great care to source and select the highest quality materials. This commitment to quality is reflected in the exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail evident in every piece they produce.

From intricately designed engagement rings to elegant necklaces and bracelets, Giva Jewelry offers a wide array of choices that cater to diverse customer preferences. Their customer-centric approach, combined with their passion for jewelry-making, has garnered a loyal clientele that values not only the beauty of the pieces but also the company’s dedication to excellence.

ReadGoPaisa and Gocoop.

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