Goa University Contact Number, Email Id, Office Address

Goa University’s Contact Number is 8669609048, its email ID is helpline@antiragging.in, and the head office address is Goa University Taleigao Plateau, India, Goa, 403206. Read more about the company overview, social profiles & website link details.

You can find out the official support details of Goa University. Besides contact details, the page also offers a details overview of Goa University. Reach Goa University’s Customer Support below for queries, complaints, or feedback.

Goa University

Goa University Contact Details

Phone Number: 8669609048

Email Id: helpline@antiragging.in

Office Address: Goa University Taleigao Plateau, India, Goa, 403206

Website: www.unigoa.ac.in

Telephone Number: Not Available

Fax Number: 08322451184

Facebook: Here

Twitter: Here

Instagram: Here

About Goa University

Goa University, located in the vibrant coastal state of Goa, India, is a renowned educational institution dedicated to providing high-quality higher education and research opportunities. Established in 1985, the university has since evolved into a prominent academic hub, offering a diverse range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs across various disciplines, including arts, science, commerce, and technology.

The university is known for its picturesque campus, nestled amid lush greenery and situated in close proximity to some of India’s most pristine beaches. This unique location not only provides students with a serene and inspiring environment but also fosters a vibrant cultural and social scene, making Goa University an appealing choice for both domestic and international students.

Goa University places a strong emphasis on research and innovation, actively engaging in cutting-edge research projects and collaborations that contribute to the advancement of knowledge and address societal challenges. The institution is staffed with dedicated and accomplished faculty members who are passionate about their respective fields, providing students with a nurturing and intellectually stimulating learning experience.

Goa University’s commitment to academic excellence, its rich cultural diversity, and its unique geographical setting make it a distinguished institution that continues to attract aspiring minds seeking a well-rounded and enriching educational journey in one of India’s most idyllic settings.

ReadGauhati University and GetMyUni Education.

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