House Of Diagnostics (HOD) Contact Number, Email Id, Office Address

House Of Diagnostics (HOD) Contact Number is 9089089089, its email ID is, and the head office address is 16 Hargovind Enclave Opp. Metro Pilar #119. Read more about the company overview, social profiles & website link details.

You can find out the official support details of the House Of Diagnostics (HOD). Besides contact details, the page also offers a details overview of the House Of Diagnostics (HOD). Reach House Of Diagnostics (HOD)’s Customer Support below for queries, complaints, or feedback.

House Of Diagnostics (HOD)

House Of Diagnostics (HOD) Contact Details

Phone Number: 9089089089

Email Id:

Office Address: 16 Hargovind Enclave Opp. Metro Pilar #119


Telephone Number: Not Available

Fax Number: Not Available

Facebook: Here

Twitter: Here

Instagram: Here

About House Of Diagnostics (HOD)

House of Diagnostics (HOD) is a leading healthcare institution dedicated to providing state-of-the-art diagnostic services with a commitment to accuracy, efficiency, and patient-centric care. Established with a vision to redefine the standards of diagnostic excellence, HOD employs cutting-edge technology and a team of highly skilled professionals to deliver reliable and comprehensive diagnostic solutions. With a focus on innovation, HOD continually invests in the latest medical advancements to ensure that patients receive accurate diagnoses for informed medical decisions.

At House of Diagnostics, the patient experience is paramount. The institution is designed to create a welcoming and comfortable environment, fostering a sense of trust and assurance for individuals seeking diagnostic services. From advanced imaging and pathology services to specialized diagnostic consultations, HOD’s holistic approach to healthcare ensures that patients receive personalized and timely solutions. With a commitment to quality and a passion for advancing healthcare, House of Diagnostics stands as a beacon of reliability and excellence in the field of diagnostics, contributing to the overall well-being of the communities it serves.

ReadHimalaya Wellness and HealthifyMe.

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