iCliniq Customer Care Number, Email Id, Office Address

iCliniq Customer Care Number is 9943270000, its email id is andrew@icliniq.com, and the head office address is Orane Healthcare India Private Limited, No.174, Rangasamy Goundenpudur, Chinniyampalayam (PO), Coimbatore – 641062, Tamil Nadu, India. Read more about the company overview, social profiles & website link details.

You can find out the customer care details of iCliniq. Besides contact details, the page also offers a details overview of the company ICliniq. Reach iCliniq’s customer Care below for support, complaints, or feedback.


iCliniq Customer Care

Phone Number: 9943270000

Email Id: andrew@icliniq.com

Office Address: Orane Healthcare India Private Limited, No.174, Rangasamy Goundenpudur, Chinniyampalayam (PO), Coimbatore – 641062, Tamil Nadu, India.

Website: icliniq.com

Telephone Number: Not Available

Fax Number: Not Available

Facebook: Here

Twitter: Here

Instagram: Here

About iCliniq

iCliniq is a pioneering healthcare platform that leverages cutting-edge technology to revolutionize the way individuals access medical advice and healthcare services. With a commitment to providing convenient, affordable, and high-quality healthcare solutions, iCliniq connects patients with a global network of experienced and qualified healthcare professionals. Through the platform, users can seek medical advice, obtain second opinions, and even engage in virtual consultations with doctors from the comfort of their homes. iCliniq’s user-friendly interface ensures seamless navigation, enabling individuals to access healthcare expertise efficiently. The platform’s emphasis on privacy and security ensures that users can confidently share their health concerns and receive personalized medical guidance tailored to their specific needs.

At iCliniq, we prioritize inclusivity and accessibility, striving to break down geographical barriers and connect patients with healthcare professionals regardless of their location. The platform caters to a diverse range of medical specialties, ensuring that individuals can find the expertise they need for various health conditions. Through a combination of advanced technology, a vast network of healthcare professionals, and a commitment to user satisfaction, iCliniq is at the forefront of transforming healthcare delivery. By fostering a collaborative and interactive healthcare ecosystem, iCliniq is dedicated to empowering individuals to take control of their health journey, making quality healthcare accessible to everyone, anytime, anywhere.

ReadHexa Health and HealthXP.

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