IGNOU Contact Number, Office Address, Email Id

IGNOU’s Contact Number is 01129572513, the head office address is The Registrar Student Registration Division (SRD) Block-3, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068, India, and the email id is gyandhara@ignou.ac.in. Read more about the company overview, social profiles & website link details.

You can find out the official support details of IGNOU. Besides contact details, the page also offers a details overview of the IGNOU. Reach IGNOU’s Customer Care below for queries, complaints, or feedback.


IGNOU Contact Details

Phone Number: 01129572513, 1800112347

Office Address: The Registrar Student Registration Division (SRD) Block-3, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068, India

Email Id: gyandhara@ignou.ac.in

Website: ignou.ac.in


The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a prominent distance learning institution in India, offering accessible and flexible education to a diverse range of learners. Established in 1985, IGNOU is renowned for its wide array of undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate programs across various disciplines, including arts, science, commerce, management, and more. With its innovative approach to education, IGNOU caters to the needs of students from all walks of life, including working professionals, homemakers, and those residing in remote areas. Through its comprehensive study materials, online resources, and extensive network of study centers, IGNOU empowers individuals to pursue higher education at their own pace and convenience, fostering lifelong learning and socio-economic development.

ReadAlliance University and Andhra University.

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