GE Appliances Customer Care Number, Email Id, Office Address

GE Appliances Customer Care Number is +18773949775, its email ID is, and the head office address is General Electric Company 5 Necco Street Boston, MA 02210. Read more about the company overview, social profiles & website link details.

You can find out the customer care details of GE Appliances. Besides contact details, the page also offers a details overview of the company GE Appliances. Reach GE Appliances’s customer Care below for support, complaints, or feedback.

GE Appliances

GE Appliances Customer Care

Phone Number: +18773949775

Email Id:

Office Address: General Electric Company 5 Necco Street Boston, MA 02210


Telephone Number: Not Available

Fax Number: Not Available

Facebook: Here

Twitter: Here

Instagram: Here

About GE Appliances

General Electric Appliances, often referred to as GE Appliances, is a well-established American company renowned for its innovative and high-quality home appliances. With a history spanning over a century, GE Appliances has consistently been at the forefront of technological advancements in the industry. The company offers a comprehensive range of products, including refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, and more, designed to make everyday life more convenient and efficient.

GE Appliances is known for its commitment to sustainability, with a focus on developing energy-efficient appliances that help consumers reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. This dedication to environmentally friendly practices has not only benefited consumers but also positioned the company as a leader in the global drive for greener appliances.

In 2016, General Electric Appliances became a subsidiary of the Haier Group, a multinational corporation based in China, which provided a significant boost to the company’s global presence and resources. Under Haier’s ownership, GE Appliances has continued to innovate and expand its product lines, with a strong emphasis on smart home technology. The company has introduced smart appliances that can be controlled remotely through smartphones and integrated with virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant.

This integration of cutting-edge technology into their products has enhanced the overall consumer experience, making GE Appliances a trusted choice for those seeking modern, connected, and reliable home appliances. With a legacy of quality and a commitment to innovation, GE Appliances remains a prominent player in the home appliance industry, catering to the diverse needs of homeowners worldwide.

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